Acai (əˈsaɪ.i ) is a species of palm tree in the amazon region that grows a fruit, the acai berry. The berry is harvested and shipped to be processed as a puree, as a juice and now as a frozen all natural dessert. The frozen treat, in particular, has taken the U.S. and most of the world by storm. Acai, according to numerous health journals, has been identified as a “super-food”. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, Acai has become the sweet treat of choice for health conscious patrons in the United States. This incredible fruit is popular for a variety of products in the Amazon basin and all over Brazil for many years. Because of its flavor, its sweetness and texture the people of Brazil have incorporated Acai into their daily lives like Americans with raisins or grapes. Starting in the early 2000’s Acai has slowly made its way into the health food industry here in America, becoming more commonplace in the American consciousness thus sprouting the same industries that pepper all over Brazil. One of those industries is the frozen Acai puree bowl. Much like a gelato or a sorbet, the acai dessert bowl is a frozen treat made from Acai puree, slowly churned and frozen for the consistency and texture of sorbet. Acai can be pretty much topped with anything or eaten as is. Popular toppings include fresh cut fruit, oats, coconut shavings, nuts, chocolate shavings or chunks or other berries like blueberries. Known for high fiber low calorie, it's a top item for low carb diets. The acai market continues to grow in North America by 6.5 percent almost annually. It's been valued at 22.3 Million dollars in 2020 and continues to grow. It's safe to say Acai is here to stay. With everything that Acai provides, small businesses continue to pop up, essentially to help grow the market. Entrepreneur ventures are possible more than ever, especially considering there are support companies like Finamac, LLC, which help small businesses by making the machines needed to produce this dessert. With quality machines and resources, companies like Finamac are helping pave the way for acai small businesses to grow exponentially in the United States. Want to learn more about how to get started in the Acai business? Interested in taking the next step and purchasing a machine? Call Finamac and get started todayWhy Acai?
Acai the Dessert
Whats The Scoop?
Curso para produzir acai
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